Jeffrey Goldsmith, Past President of ASAM

40 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: Physicians: What is needed to get board certified in addiction the US today
Jeffrey Goldsmith MD, DLFAPA, DFASAM

The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) has established a system to monitor the quality of health care specialty training in the US, and ABMS added Addiction Medicine as a multispecialty subspecialty sponsored by the American Board of Preventive Medicine (ABPM) in 2016.  Doctors must be boarded in an ABMS specialty, be up to date with addiction knowledge, and apply to ABPM for subspecialty certification in Addiction Medicine.  Doctors must meet the requirements for training in addiction medicine and pass the exam (offered annually).  Because this is new, the requirements to take the exam are different the first five years and become standardized in 2022, requiring fellowship training at an ACGME certified site. For these first five years, if you are ABMS certified, there is an alternative pathway offered for those who have not had a certified fellowship training.

Dr. Goldsmith was in private practice from 1981-1994.  In 1994 Dr. Goldsmith joined the VA hospital fulltime and he currently works in the Buprenorphine Treatment Clinic and Dual Diagnosis Clinic in Cincinnati VAMC.

From 1994-2009, Dr. Goldsmith worked in Dual Diagnosis Services and research with the Clinical Trials Network. He was an active member of Cincinnati’s NIDA research group, which has run many clinical trials for NIDA, including the pivotal study CS1008 of buprenorphine/naloxone for opiate addiction.  Dr Goldsmith created an integrated Primary Care Mental Health program with the director of primary care. In 1995, Dr. Goldsmith developed an ACGME accredited Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship and the following year was funded by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs for a two year Addiction Medicine Research Fellowship. He was addiction fellowship director from 1989 to 2007 and continues to teach in the two addiction fellowships.  He teaches Psychiatry Residents still.

Dr. Goldsmith joined ASAM in 1984, became ASAM certified in 1986 and got his CAQ in Addiction Psychiatry in 1994.  He is Immediate Past President of ASAM and a member of the Board of Directors.