Fíkn og stofnanir: Samtal, spurningar og umræður
979 3. nóvember, 2017Panell í málþinginu Fíkn og stofnanir. Þátttakendur: Sigurður Örn Hektorsson, yfirlæknir fíknigeðdeildar Landspítalans Jón Magnús Kristjánsson, yfirlæknir bráðadeildar LSH Funi Sigurðsson, forstöðumaður Stuðla Bergþór G. Böðvarsson, fulltrúi notenda – talsmaður sjúklinga geðsviðs Stjórnandi: Þóra Björnsdóttir, hjúkrunarforstjóri SÁÁ
Fíkn og afbrot: Samtal, spurningar og umræður
1060 3. nóvember, 2017Panell í málþinginu Fíkn og afbrot. Þátttakendur: Helgi Gunnlaugsson, prófessor HÍ Þórarinn Tyrfingsson, læknir Þráinn Farestveit, framkvæmdastjóri Verndar Daníel Rafn, Vernd Stjórnandi: Hjalti Björnsson, dagskrárstjóri SÁÁ
Kristín I. Pálsdóttir, talskona Rótarinnar
1968 3. nóvember, 2017Erindi Kristínar I. Pálsdóttur, talskonu Rótarinnar, á málþinginu Fíkn og konur.
Gregory Bunt, President of the International Society of Addiction Medicine
2279 31. október, 2017Dr. Gregory Bunt graduated medical school in 1983 from NYU School of Medicine, and completed his residency in Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1987. He was among the first to complete the Fellowship in Addiction Psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine (1989), and has since been on the NYU Medical School …Read more »
Nora D. Volkow, Director of the NIDA
1130 31. október, 201740 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ Nora D. Volkow, M.D., became Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health in May 2003. Dr. Volkow’s work has been instrumental in demonstrating that drug addiction is a disease of the human brain. As a research psychiatrist and scientist, Dr. Volkow pioneered the …Read more »
Paul Erley, Medical Director of the Georgia Professionals Health Program
1297 31. október, 2017Dr. Earley has been an Addiction Medicine Physician for over 30 years. He treats all types of addictive disorders and specializes in the assessment, treatment and management of health care professionals. As a therapist, he works with patients already in recovery, providing long term therapy for those who suffer from this disease. He is the …Read more »
Jeffrey Goldsmith, Past President of the American Society of Addiction Medicine
875 31. október, 2017Dr. Goldsmith was in private practice from 1981-1994. In 1994 Dr. Goldsmith joined the VA hospital fulltime and he currently works in the Buprenorphine Treatment Clinic and Dual Diagnosis Clinic in Cincinnati VAMC. From 1994-2009, Dr. Goldsmith worked in Dual Diagnosis Services and research with the Clinical Trials Network. He was an active member of …Read more »
Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir, Medical Director at SÁÁ
940 31. október, 2017Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir MD, Medical Director of SÁÁ, graduated from medical school, University of Iceland 1992, internship in Iceland til 1995. Residency in Internal Medicine at Brown University program Rhode Island and to follow Addiction Medicine fellowship, 1995-2000. Board certified in Internal Medicine 1999 and Addiction Medicine 2000 in the US and licensed specialist in both …Read more »
Sigurður Ólafsson, Director of Hepatology, Landspitali University Hospital
1385 31. október, 2017Sigurdur Olafsson is Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Iceland Faculty of Medicine and Director of Hepatology in the Division of Gastroenterology, Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland. Dr. Olafsson received his Medical Degree from the University of Iceland in 1985 and undertook early postgraduate training at the University Hospital in …Read more »
- 40 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ um fíkn (59)
- 2. okt. – Fjögur málþing (17)
- Fíkn og afbrot (4)
- Fíkn og konur (5)
- Fíkn og pólitík (4)
- Fíkn og stofnanir (4)
- 3. okt. – Fyrirlestrar (15)
- Cannabis (4)
- 4. okt. – Fyrirlestrar (16)
- Viðtöl (11)
- 2. okt. – Fjögur málþing (17)
- Afþreying (7)
- Byggingar (10)
- Fræðsla (26)
- Erlent efni (2)
- Í fjölmiðlum (17)