Stephen Strobbe, Clinical Associate Professor
970 31. október, 2017Dr. Stephen Strobbe is Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, and the Department of Psychiatry. He is board-certified both in psychiatric and addictions nursing. His professional background has included clinical care, research, administration, and education. He was the first Clinical Director for the University of Michigan Addiction Treatment Services (UMATS). …Read more »
Patrick G. O’Connor, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P.
897 26. október, 201740 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ Patrick G. O’Connor, MD, MPH, Professor of General Medicine, Chief, General Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine Dr. Patrick O’Connor is a Dan Adams and Amanda Adams Professor of General Medicine and Chief of General Internal Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine and Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut. …Read more »
Kári Stefánsson, CEO Decode Genetics
1132 24. október, 2017Kári Stefánsson, M.D., Dr. Med. has served as President, Chief Executive Officer and a Director since he founded deCODE genetics in August 1996. Dr. Stefánsson was appointed the Chairman of the Board of Directors of deCODE genetics in December 1999. From 1993 until April 1997, Dr. Stefánsson was a professor of Neurology, Neuropathology and Neuroscience …Read more »
Þórarinn Tyrfingsson, læknir
951 19. október, 2017Katrín Jakobsdóttir, alþingismaður
719 16. október, 2017Efni
- 2. okt. – Fjögur málþing (17)
- Fíkn og afbrot (4)
- Fíkn og konur (5)
- Fíkn og pólitík (4)
- Fíkn og stofnanir (4)
- 3. okt. – Fyrirlestrar (15)
- Cannabis (4)
- 4. okt. – Fyrirlestrar (16)
- Viðtöl (11)