Gregory Bunt, President of the International Society of Addiction Medicine
2209 31. október, 2017Dr. Gregory Bunt graduated medical school in 1983 from NYU School of Medicine, and completed his residency in Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1987. He was among the first to complete the Fellowship in Addiction Psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine (1989), and has since been on the NYU Medical School …Read more »
Kristín I. Pálsdóttir, talskona Rótarinnar
1924 3. nóvember, 2017Erindi Kristínar I. Pálsdóttur, talskonu Rótarinnar, á málþinginu Fíkn og konur.
Thorgeir Thorgeirsson, Phd, Decode Genetics
1822 8. nóvember, 2017Erindi Thorgeirs Thorgeirssonar, PhD, Decode Genetics Genes, brain and behavior. The Decode SÁÁ research collaboration: what have we learned?
Esther Helga Guðmundsdóttir, M.Sc. át- og matarfíkniráðgjafi
1668 3. nóvember, 2017Erindi Estherar Helgu Guðmundsdóttur, M.Sc. át- og matarfíkniráðgjafa, á málþinginu Fíkn og konur.
Thomas Clausen, Dr. Med. University of Oslo
1544 8. nóvember, 201740 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: Addiction Medicine. Full specialty for doctors in Norway Thomas Clausen, Professor, Dr. Med. University of Oslo Abstract In Norway addiction medicine is provided as part of specialist level services accessible to all citizens, free of charge, as part of the universal health care access. In 2012 the Norwegian government decided to …Read more »
Sigurður Örn Hektorsson, yfirlæknir fíknigeðdeildar Landspítalans
1441 3. nóvember, 2017Erindi Sigurðar Arnar Hektorssonar, yfirlæknis fíknigeðdeildar Landspítalans, á málþinginu Fíkn og stofnanir.
Funi Sigurðsson, forstöðumaður Stuðla
1428 3. nóvember, 2017Erindi Funa Sigurðssonar, forstöðumanns Stuðla, á málþinginu Fíkn og stofnanir.
Kári Stefánsson, MD, Decode Genetics
1422 8. nóvember, 201740 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: Genes, brain and behavior. The Decode SÁÁ research collaboration: what have we learned? Kári Stefánsson, MD, Decode Genetics Kári Stefánsson, M.D., Dr. Med. has served as President, Chief Executive Officer and a Director since he founded deCODE genetics in August 1996. Dr. Stefánsson was appointed the Chairman of the Board of Directors …Read more »
Paul Earley, MD, DFASAM
1411 8. nóvember, 201740 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: Physicians with substance use disorder: Can this model be effectively applied to other populations? Paul Earley MD, DFASAM, Medical Director of the Georgia Professionals Health Program, in the U.S. Abstract Physician Health Programs (PHPs) use multi-year, use contingency-driven, chronic disease management protocols to care for physicians with SUDs.[1, 2] Remarkable recovery rates …Read more »
- 2. okt. – Fjögur málþing (17)
- Fíkn og afbrot (4)
- Fíkn og konur (5)
- Fíkn og pólitík (4)
- Fíkn og stofnanir (4)
- 3. okt. – Fyrirlestrar (15)
- Cannabis (4)
- 4. okt. – Fyrirlestrar (16)
- Viðtöl (11)