Gerard J. Schmidt, President of NAADAC

40 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: Counsellors: What is needed to get certified as an addiction counsellor in the US today  Gerard J. Schmidt, MA, LPC, MAC, President of NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals and the Chief Operations Officer at Valley HealthCare System in Morgantown WV Abstract This presentation will be an overview of the various levels of …Read more »

Stephen Strobbe, Clinical Associate Professor

40 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: Addictions Nursing: What it is, and why it matters Stephen Strobbe PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, CARN-AP, FIAAN, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Michigan School of Nursing, President (2016-2018), International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) Dr. Stephen Strobbe is Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, and the Department of Psychiatry. …Read more »

Kári Stefánsson, forstjóri Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar

Erindi Kára Stefánssonar, forstjóra Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar, á málþinginu Fíkn og pólitík.

Jeffrey Goldsmith, Past President of ASAM

40 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: The complexities of managing people with addictions Jeffrey Goldsmith MD, DLFAPA, DFASAM, past president of ASAM Abstract Addiction health care providers get confused when managing care for addiction.  This may stem from care providers using different models of addiction.  The referral source is often not using the same model of addiction …Read more »

Nora D. Volkow, Director of the NIDA

40 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: Addiction Is a Chronic Brain Disease – What We Know Today Nora D. Volkow, MD, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Abstract Addiction is a disorder that involves complex interactions between genes, development and the social environment.  Studies employing neuroimaging technology paired …Read more »

Greta Salóme keypti fyrsta Álfinn

Greta Salóme keypti fyrsta Álfinn þetta árið en Álfasala SÁÁ árið 2016 er að hefjast og stendur næstu daga. „Ég hvet alla til þess að kaupa SÁÁ Álfinn. Hann er ógeðslega sætur með bleikan hanakamb,“ voru skilaboð Gretu Salóme við þetta tækifæri en hún stígur á svið í Stokkhólmi sem fulltrúi Íslands í Eurovision að …Read more »

Sigurður Ólafsson, Director of Hepatology

40 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: Treatment as prevention for hepatitis C (TraP HepC):  A nationwide elimination program in Iceland Sigurður Ólafsson, MD, FACP, Director of Hepatology, Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine Landspitali University Hospital Abstract Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one of the leading causes of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Injection drug use  is …Read more »

Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir, Medical Director at SÁÁ

40 ára afmælisráðstefna SÁÁ: Opioid addiction in Iceland SÁÁ Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir, MD, Medical Director at SÁÁ Abstract In Iceland, the opioid addiction problem is because of prescription opioid almost solely. Heroin is not generally found on the black market but prescription tablets are. Prescription drugs are part of the addiction problem in general, like in other …Read more »

Þórólfur Þórlindsson: fræðslumálþing um kannabis

Erindi Þórólfs Þórlindssonar, prófessors í félagsfræði við HÍ, á fræðslumálþingi um kannabis sem haldið var á Grand Hótel Reykjavík 1. júní sl. á vegum Fræ, fræðsla og forvarnir.  Heiti erindisins var: Álitamál varðandi núverandi stefnu, hugmyndir um afglæpavæðingu/lögleyfingu. Fjölmörg fróðleg erindi voru haldin á málþinginu og eru þau aðgengileg á vefnum Bara gras, en nokkur einnig birt …Read more »